Frida Sigfrids
"Less shortsightedness."
My name is Frida Sigfrids and I am running for the European Parliament for the second time. I am a member of the City Council in Porvoo, as well as a council representative in the wellbeing services county of Eastern Uusimaa. I also work at the Parliament together with Party Chairman Anna-Maja Henriksson and Member of Parliament Mikko Ollikainen and as such, I am aware of how politics are conducted in practice.
I have chosen to run for the European Parliament because I want to contribute to long-term decision-making and an increased belief in the future, both nationally and internationally. We need to be able to see the consequences of the decisions we make today, and how they will influence generations to come that are unable to make their voices heard. Politics cannot build upon an understanding of the future that only extends to one’s own parliamentary period. It is a question of climate, economics, education, and much more.
I hope to become the voice of you and generations to come in the upcoming European Parliamentary period.
Name: | Frida Sigfrids |
Birthday: | 1996 |
Town: | Porvoo |
Title: | Parliamentary assistant |
Email: | fridasigfrids@gmail.com |
Phone: | +358405910874 |
www: | https://www.fridasigfrids.fi |
Social media: | |
Member in: |
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Important political topics
The next ten years will be of decisive importance for whether we succeed in restricting global warming to below 1.5°C, which is critical for the future of our planet. As such, the new Members of the European Parliament will receive a decisive mandate in whether we will succeed in the objective to become climate neutral by the year 2050. If we do not undertake additional measures during the following parliamentary period, the generations to come will be the ones to pay the high cost of those decisions.
I do not think it is fair that we postpone the problems we have the tools to solve for generations to come. The offensive war in Ukraine has also forced Finland to rethink the green transformation. The EU has the aim of becoming climate neutral by 2050, and together we need to succeed in accomplishing this objective. If all the nations of the world followed the example set by the EU, global warming would reach between 3 and 4 degrees before the end of the century. This would affect young people in particular, since we are the ones who will pay the price of unsustainable decisions made by previous generations. This needs to be changed before it is too late. There is still hope of restricting the warming to 1.5°C, but it requires measures within the next ten years.
Concrete measures I want to work for as a Member of the European Parliament:
• That the EU will reduce its emissions with at least 55 percent from the levels of the year 1990.
• That the EU has gradually reduced coal by 2030, and is climate neutral by 2050.
• That the member countries of the EU introduce a similar bottle deposit system that Finland among others has, and simplifies the recycling of garbage.
• That the EU introduces stricter directives regarding overfertilisation and emissions of environmentally dangerous substances, as well as waste that harms the Baltic Sea.
• That the EU invests in expansion of infrastructure for collective traffic that is clean, safe, an
Human rights
In the EU, discussions on which measures should be taken when a member country defies human rights have been going on for a long time. Human rights are one of the founding pillars of the world and can never be violated. I believe that the EU has vast power to influence its member countries, so that violations never occur, and that when measures are required, they shall be taken. The measures could be economical, for instance.
At the same time, the world has never seen as many refugees as today. The stream of refugees also ought to continue due to climate change and the fact that many people need to flee their homes due to it. Therefore, the EU needs to gain control over the flaws that remain in today’s asylum politics, so that the responsibility for refugees can be distributed evenly. We also cannot give the populist voices that offer oversimplified solutions for complicated issues more room in the debate. Instead, we need solid cooperation within the entire EU to find solutions to the problems.
Concrete measures I want to work for as a Member of the European Parliament:
• That we renew the Dublin Regulation, so that the EU takes its global responsibility in the refugee question, and so that the responsibility is distributed more evenly among the EU countries.
• That all countries respect human rights and that the EU takes responsibility in the case that a country was to violate them.
• To silence populist acts that offer oversimplified solutions to complicated issues.
• That the EU always strives towards creating peace in conflict situations.
• That the EU formulates a legal definition of the term climate refugee and issues a legal instrument that recognizes and offers adequate protection for this refugee category.
The EU was founded in order to ensure peace in Europe. Despite this, we have now reached a point in time where the peace in Europe is once again threatened by different challenges and conflicts. That is why it is more important than ever that the EU stands unified and acts with determination in order to protect our shared values and principles.
Our European project builds on values such as liberal democracy, the rule of law, and individual freedom. These values make up the founding pillars of our common identity and are decisive in ensuring peace and stability in our society. Therefore, the EU needs to continue guaranteeing these principles and actively combat threats against them. The EU has a central role in promoting peace and welfare, and we all need to contribute towards maintaining and strengthening our European cooperation in these times of worry and uncertainty.
Concrete measures I want to work for as a Member of the European Parliament:
• That the EU continues supporting Ukraine in its fight for democratic values and its independence.
• To increase sanctions against Russia.
• To support cooperation and the exchange of information between member countries in order to battle crime and human trafficking across borders.
• That the EU invests in cross-boundary cooperation in international conflicts, developmental cooperation, and crisis aid.
• EThat the EU’s dependence on China and other authoritarian countries is systematically dismantled.
Candidates answers in election machine
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Environment and Climate Change: "The EU should increase its efforts to combat climate change, even if it means higher costs for member countries."
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Economy and Trade: "The EU should aim to create free trade agreements with more countries, even if it means competition for some domestic industries."
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Migration and Asylum Policy: "I support a common EU policy on migration and asylum that involves more shared responsibility among member countries."
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Education and Research: "The EU should increase its budget for research and development, as well as promote exchange programs for students and researchers within the union."
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Social Policy and Equality: "A stronger EU focus on social issues, such as labor rights and gender equality, is necessary."
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Nordic and Baltic Cooperation: "Deepening the Nordic and Baltic cooperation within the EU is of great importance."
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Defense and Security Policy: "The EU should take greater responsibility in defense and security policy matters, including the development of a common defense policy."
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Energy and Sustainability: "The EU should prioritize the transition to renewable energy sources, even if it may mean higher energy prices in the short term."
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Democracy and the Principles of the Rule of Law: "The EU should take stronger actions against member countries that violate the principles of the rule of law and democratic values."
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Rights of Minorities in the EU. "The EU should actively work to strengthen and protect the rights of ethnic, linguistic, and cultural minorities within the union."
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Agricultural Policy: "The EU should strengthen its support for sustainable agriculture and small-scale farmers, to promote local food production and environmentally friendly methods."
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Rural Development: "The EU should intensify its efforts to support and develop rural areas, through investments in infrastructure, access to services, and strengthening of the local economy."
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